Friday, August 7, 2015

Just the Words I Needed

With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands,
       and encourage those who have weak knees,
Say to those with fearful hearts,
      "Be strong, and do not fear,
for your God is coming to destroy your enemies.
      He is coming to save you."
Isaiah 35:3-4

What refreshing words to hear after plodding through the first part of Isaiah! Change a country name here, a leader's name there, and sprinkle with a few terrorist and God's word is incredibly relevant today. I cheered as the "bad guys" got what they deserved.  I cringed when a behavior was too close to my own.  (Idols don't have to be made of gold.)

I wanted to skip the book entirely.  I wanted to get back to the New Testament, It seems that our world is headed for the same fate, the same burning anger, the same destruction as Isaiah's world. Man doesn't change. Sin is sin no matter what name you give it.

Now after all the carnage of God's burning anger,
He gives hope.
He strengthens.
He encourages.
He saves.
God's mercy

"Be strong and do not fear." Just the words I needed. Just when I needed them. Like always.
Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Life Cut Short

At first I scrolled past the memorial fundraiser.  Beautiful woman, lost to us too soon.  It was a wedding picture featuring her beaming face.  So sad I thought.  Then it popped up in my feed again and again.  Finally a friend mentioned her maiden name. I took a closer look. Her eyes, her smile. I was looking at the face of one of my former kindergarten students.  Over 20 years had passed since her tiny body bounded into my room.  Energy exuded from her small frame.  She loved life. She loved school.  She loved.  Finding my school scrapbook, I looked at her 5 year old face splattered with freckles. I remembered her hugs.  I remembered her smile. I remembered.